
Our club also tries to keep a good atmosphere in the club by organising smaller outings, especially after a meeting. As Leos are known to like partying and going out, we do our best to follow this motto.

  • Organisation of meals, visits, bowling, cinema and other activities
  • Participation in excursions and sport events
  • Maintenance of good relations with foreign clubs and their events, and of course, not to forget the LEFs - Leo Europa Forums!
  • Organization of the traditional Leo barbecue in August
  • Celebration of Christmas party: where a Christmas tree is decorated in the forest and gifts are exchanged



To become a Leo does not require a particular social status. Only the will "to do something for somebody" supported by other young people who share the same values of solidarity counts.

The person wanting to become member of the club takes part in our meetings. After a few months, the candidature is submitted to a vote.

We are an international club, we speak Luxembourgish, German, French and English.


Saturday the 8th. Leo Club Luxembourg Feierwon - Joomla Templates